- Bradford White Date Codes Chart
- Kumpulan Serial Number
- Goodman Serial Number Date Codes
- Serial Number Idm Terbaru
- Serial Number Idm Gratis
- Bradford White Serial Number Date Code Reference
You can determine how old your residential water heater is by looking at and decoding data on the water heater’s label.
The year codes are the first letter in the serial number. Bradford white codes g 1990 h1991 j 1992 k 1993 l 1994 m 1995 n 1996 p 1997 s 1998 t. Below are serial number lookup sections for every major water heater manufacturer. Column one lists all the various brands that manufacturer makes, column two shows sample serial numbers, and column three of each table acts as a serial number decoder. Bradford White puts the serial number water heater on rating place that is located in the top center of the warning label. After you got the serial number, next you have to pay attention to the first two letters of the serial number.
The manufacturing date is coded into the serial number of water heaters and, since. Heater- Bradford-White and Jetglas, and uses a 9-digit letter/number code. We have provided this service to try to help them to date their major appliances (fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc.) accurately from the code usually contained within their serial number. Unfortunately only modern appliances made after the 1970's or 1980's are possible to date this way (and sometimes not even then).
Bradford White Date Codes Chart
First, locate the manufacturers label with the serial number on the side of your unit. This sticker is usually around any warning labels and the energy guide. Check to see if the installation date is noted on the sticker. If not, then write down your serial number as it usually indicates the year and month of manufacture of the water heater. Each manufacturer uses different formats and you need to de-code the water heater serial number. Read below how to determine the age of your unit.
Rheem or Ruud
ex. 1209D1234 (MMYYPnnnn) = December 2009
Kumpulan Serial Number
MM = month of manufacture
YY = year of manufacture
P = plant identifying code
nnnn = a consecutive serial number for your individual unit
AO Smith and American
ex. 9705123445 (YYWWxxxxxx) = 1997, 5th week (early February)
Goodman Serial Number Date Codes
YY = month of manufacture
WW = year of manufacture
Bradford White
Serial Number Idm Terbaru
ex. BH6511396 (YMxxxxxxx) = B=2005 & H=August
The Bradford White rating plate is the most difficult to decode.
The year of manufacture is noted by the first letter of the serial number, the month is the second letter. The decoding is based on the following format (also see chart below):
Year Decoder: G = 1990; H = 1991; J = 1992; K = 1993; L= 1994; M= 1995; N= 1996; P= 1997; S= 1998; T= 1999; W= 2000; X= 2001; Y= 2002; Z=2003; A= 2004; B=2005; C=2006; D=2007
Month Decoder: A= JAN; B=FEB; C=MAR; D= APR; E=MAY; F= JUNE; G=JULY; H= AUG; J= SEPT; K=OCT; L= NOV; M= DEC.
Note: Bradford White uses a 20-year letter designation rotation in serial numbers shown in the chart below. Therefore, please be aware that water heaters manufactured 20 years apart will have the same serial number “letter year” designation.
Serial Number Idm Gratis
Click image to enlarge.
Bradford White Serial Number Date Code Reference
For a complete water heater dating chart visit www.nachi.org/water-heater-dating-chart.htm
If your Tucson water heater is 10 years or older you should consider replacing it before it fails and potentially could cause damage.